Standard Exhaust Systems

Suppose you are searching for a company to repair or replace the Standard Exhausts Systems on your vehicle. Call Jackson at (03) 9791 8455 today.

Experience Quality Exhaust Installation

Your vehicle’s Standard Exhaust Systems have a critical role in the efficient operation of your car and for your and your family’s safety. Your vehicle’s exhaust system functions in the following ways:


  • Removes hot poisonous gases from your engine, keeping them away from your car and its occupants. Converting them into more environmentally friendly emissions

  • Reduces engine noise to acceptable and legal levels and improves your engine’s performance and fuel economy

Hence, many components come together to make a quality exhaust system. Each piece has a different role to play. This section of our website aims to help you understand the part of exhaust system components and why some fail.

Don’t forget to contact Daalder Exhausts if you need assistance with your Standard Exhaust Systems. We’ve got you covered!

Exhaust Manifold / Extractors / Headers

The exhaust manifold is at the front of your system, bolted onto the engine. In some cases, extractors or headers will have replaced the manifold. Manifolds are usually made out of cast iron and are prone to cracking due to the extreme heat they have to withstand (up to 1300°C).
In recent years vehicle manufacturers have fitted Manifold Catalytic Converters as an integrated part of the exhaust system. Moreover, it is partly because the cat-manifold design ensures the cat is positioned. Where the exhaust gasses are at their hottest as they escape the engine. The hotter gases are burnt off, which results in less emissions and a more cheap fuel vehicle.

Engine Pipe

The engine pipe connects the manifold to the catalytic converter. Exhaust gases will have cooled to around 1100°C by passing through the engine pipe. Again, the most common reason for engine pipe failure is cracking due to excessive heat.

Catalytic Converter

As its name implies, this component converts the harmful gases an engine produces. Three-way converters are the most common in today’s vehicles.
They contain a ceramic substrate (honeycomb-like biscuit) impregnated with three precious metals (usually Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium). Yet, as the engine’s harmful gases pass through the substrate. They are converted from hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide. And nitrogen oxides into carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, and oxygen. This catalytic reaction starts when operating temperatures reach 200°C, with best efficiency at 600-800°C.
The life expectancy of a converter is around 80,000 kilometres or five years, whichever comes first.

Diesel Particulate Filter (Only Certain Diesel Vehicles)

Diesel Particulate Filters are an industry response to the ongoing tightening of exhaust emission standards for diesel vehicles. As their name suggests, they clean the particulate matter (soot) from exhaust gases. Thus, by passing them through a filter that traps the particles.
The DPF collects these nasty particulates as we drive along. And , they are superheated and burnt off in what we call a ‘regeneration’ cycle. There are two DPF ‘regeneration’ cycles, active and passive.
An active regeneration cycle injects extra fuel into the engine to create the high temperatures required for burn-off. Other DPFs have an injector that injects diesel fuel or an additive into the filter during regeneration.
DPF systems can regenerate themselves using only the exhaust gas stream. Without extra energy inputs, they are known as passive systems.

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